Thank You Letter Guidelines

Each award recipient must submit an appropriate thank you letter to the Mississippi Baptist Foundation prior to the distribution of awarded funds. Letters should be typed or neatly written using proper grammar and punctuation.

Students are encouraged to proofread their letter prior to submission. Letters should include general information about the student, such as hometown, home church, institution currently attending, degree program, vocational and/or ministry pursuits, and other information (family, academic or ministry highlights, etc.) as appropriate.

A sample letter/outline is included below. Please use this as a template as a guideline. Address the letter to Dr. Daniel Hall as listed below.

Sample Letter 

Student’s Name
Student’s Address
City, State, Zip

Dr. Daniel Hall
Executive Director
Mississippi Baptist Foundation
P. O. Box 530
Jackson, MS 39205

Dear Dr. Hall:

Thank you for the scholarship gift from the [Insert Fund Name Included in Your Award Letter] Fund provided by the Mississippi Baptist Foundation. The generosity of those who established this scholarship fund encourages me academically and personally.

Currently, I am pursuing a degree in [Insert Your Degree and Major] at [Insert Name of Institution]. [Insert Additional Personal Information]

In your thank you letter also include personal information such as:

  • Home Church

  • Hometown

  • Family/Parents/Spouse/Children

  • Career and/or Ministry Pursuits

  • Extra Curricular Activities

  • Other Academic, Ministry, or Personal Highlights of Interest

  • Post-Graduation Goals



[Insert Your Wet Signature (not digital or typed)]