MBF Scholarship Policy
The apostle Paul expressed confidence in his Lord when he declared, “And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). This well-known verse highlights the focus of the Mississippi Baptist Foundation’s Scholarship Ministry.
Due to the generosity of many faithful Christian stewards, the Foundation has the privilege of providing needs-based supplemental financial assistance to Mississippi students who are pursuing a degree at a Mississippi Baptist college or a Southern Baptist seminary. Most of these endowed scholarship accounts offer specific eligibility guidelines for awarding a scholarship grant. Factors such as field of study, institution attended, and scholarship amount often are included as stipulated criteria for award consideration.
In an effort to honor the purpose of the MBF Scholarship Ministry, the Board of Trustees of the Mississippi Baptist Foundation has set forth additional guidelines that are applicable to all scholarship awards. These guidelines require that:
Scholarships are to be awarded on an annual basis with equal disbursements being made in both the Fall and Spring semesters. Students must reapply each year between January 1 and April 30.
A completed application must be received in the MBF office between January 1 and April 30. The application may be completed online or mailed to “MBF Scholarship Ministry,” Post Office Box 530, Jackson, MS 39205.
All applicants should be Mississippi residents (generally three [3] years immediately preceding initial application) and members in good standing of a Southern Baptist church in Mississippi cooperating with the Mississippi Baptist Convention as presented in Article III, Sections 1 & 2 of the Constitution.
Preference for scholarship awards will be given to full-time students (as determined by the appropriate college or seminary catalogue) who are ranked as a junior or senior pursuing a Bachelor level degree at one of the Mississippi Baptist colleges or a Masters level degree at one of the six Southern Baptist seminaries. If funds are available, candidates for a seminary Bachelor level degree who are ranked as a junior or senior will be considered. Seminary doctoral candidates and students participating in a Baptist college graduate program are not eligible for Foundation awards. Generally, students pursuing a second degree are not eligible. Applicants who are at least half-time students may receive consideration for an award which will be adjusted according to their course load pending availability of funds.
Candidates for an MBF scholarship must satisfy all aspects of the application process. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. The Foundation assumes no responsibility in notifying you of an incomplete application.
The application process includes receipt of the following:
Completed application form
Brief summary of your life, including your Christian testimony, goals, and vocational and/or ministry pursuits (included on application)
Letter of recommendation from applicant’s pastor (To be mailed directly to the Mississippi Baptist Foundation, P.O. Box 530, Jackson, MS 39205 and must be received by the application deadline. If applicant or applicant’s father is applicant’s pastor, a letter from the Associational Missions Strategist or a church leader in applicant’s church is acceptable.)
Signed Authorization for Release of Confidential Student Information form (included on application)
6. Applicants must maintain a cumulative 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale.
7. Once award notification has been received by the applicant, an acceptable “Thank you” letter must be submitted to the Foundation prior to the Spring disbursement of awarded funds to the appropriate college or seminary. Guidelines for this letter are available on the Foundation’s website. Please mail your signed thank you letter to: Mississippi Baptist Foundation, P.O. Box 530, Jackson, MS 39205.
8. To document submission of your online application, please make sure to save or print your "Confirmation" page after submitting your application.