Planning Today. Providing for Tomorrow.
Just spend a few moments speaking with Mrs. Mildred Crawford and you’ll know she is someone special, and that she comes from a family of generous people. Her father, a sharecropper, peddler of jewelry, barber and insurance executive had bought stocks over the years and only at his death did his daughters learn of his investments.
Mrs. Crawford established the Bardie Breazeale & Mildred Crawford Scholarship Fund in honor of her father. The money from the stocks currently provides a scholarship for nursing students to one of our Mississippi Baptist Colleges.
In addition to that Fund, upon the death of her husband in 1997, she established the Ernest and Mildred Crawford Memorial Trust Fund with a small gift and has added to it regularly over the years. This fund will go as an unrestricted gift to the Baptist Children’s Village. Providing for young people who need help through life’s journey is something I can do,” said Mrs. Crawford, “and it’s a great gift to be able to help the children.”
Because of the vision and planning of Mrs. Crawford, many people will benefit and the Lord’s work will be carried out for generations to come. “I highly recommend using the Foundation’s services, and they have been so helpful,” said Mrs. Crawford.